Are you in financial need? We help you!

Financial aid for students
Successful studies are not possible without regulated finances. If financial difficulties jeopardise your studies, we are there for you and can support you with financial advice, interest-free loans or grants so that your studies do not fall by the wayside.

The most important step is to simply contact us directly and explain your financial situation. Financial problems can usually only be solved in a holistic approach - this is best done in a direct conversation. You can find our contact details below.

We have summarised our most important offers of help here:

Our offers for financial problems

Interest-free student loan
On behalf of the Deutsches Studierendenwerk e.V. (DSW), the umbrella organisation of all 57 student unions in Germany, the Studierendenwerk Vorderpfalz offers a graduation loan.
The loan is a bridging financial aid that should enable you to successfully complete your studies.

Who is eligible to apply?
  • All students at the RPTU Landau, FTSK Germersheim, Ludwigshafen University of Applied Sciences and Worms University of Applied Sciences who find themselves in an economic emergency. The loan is granted to cover your living expenses and the costs of your studies. The loan is granted without interest.
  • The loan cannot be used for purposes unrelated to your studies (medical treatment costs, maintenance to third parties, repayment of existing debts).

How much money can be disbursed?
  • A maximum of the current BAföG maximum rate for 12 months can be paid out. This is currently 934 euros per month. Lower payment rates are of course possible.

Disbursement, term, repayment
  • Payment in monthly instalments
  • The term is a maximum of 60 months from the date of the first disbursement.
  • Your repayment of the loan must be made from the 7th month after the last instalment of the loan is granted.
  • Repayment in instalments is possible, with a minimum instalment of 55 euros per month.
  • The loan is interest-free.

Application and counselling
  • The application must be submitted in person to the Social Counselling Office of the Studierendenwerk Vorderpfalz - Xylanderstraße 17 -76829 Landau in der Pfalz - Tel. 06341-9179-180 / 181.
  • You can only submit the application if you can present the signed and certified guarantee of a third party or a bank guarantee. ATTENTION: This form is only valid in German language.

  • Takes place without legal entitlement, but in accordance with the proven need of the available funds, taking into account to the projected conclusion.

  • Download all information on the loan application in PDF format here.
  • Fill out the application completely and truthfully with all related supporting documents.
  • Appoint a meeting and or handover date with our advisors.
Aid fund for acute cash shortages
If you find yourself in a financial emergency and are prevented from properly completing your studies, please contact us about our financial assistance fund. The relief fund can provide money very quickly to bridge an acute financial emergency. Grants from the Relief Fund do not have to be repaid.

Who is eligible to apply?
  • All students at the RPTU Landau, Ludwigshafen University of Business and Society and Worms University of Applied Sciences who find themselves in an economic emergency.

  • Grants from the assistance fund are usually only approved after the end of the first semester and can amount to up to 1000 euros based on need.
  • The basis for a grant is your written application with complete application documents by email to

  • Download all information and the application in PDF format here.
  • Fill out the application completely and truthfully with all related supporting documents.
  • Send the application by mail to
Free tables: Free food in our refectories
Full stomach despite empty wallet.

You don't even have enough money for a meal? The Studierendenwerk invites you up to 30 times for a free meal in one of our refectories. And that up to 2 times per semester.

Who is eligible to apply?
  • All students at the RPTU Landau, FTSK Germersheim, Ludwigshafen University of Applied Sciences and Worms University of Applied Sciences who are in an acute, economic emergency and are unable to finance their own basic needs.

  • Download all information and the application in PDF format here.
  • Fill out the application completely and truthfully with all related supporting documents.
  • Send the application by mail to

As soon as we approve your application, your Mensa card will be charged accordingly or you will receive meal vouchers for the Mensa at your university.
Mensa-Kids: Your child up to the age of 10 eats free of charge in our refectories.
In the refectories of the Studierendenwerk Vorderpfalz, children of students at the universities in Germersheim, Landau, Ludwigshafen and Worms eat for free up to the age of ten as "MensaKids" when accompanied by a student parent.

Who is eligible to apply?
  • All studying parents at the universities RPTU Landau, FTSK Germersheim, Ludwigshafen University of Applied Sciences and Worms University of Applied Sciences.

Validity of the Mensa Kisa card
  • The card is not transferable and is only valid in the refectories of the Studierendenwerk Vorderpfalz in Landau, Ludwigshafen, Neustadt, Worms and Germersheim.
  • The ID card must be shown to the kitchen staff when serving meals.

What is needed for the application?
  • You only need your student ID/registration certificate and a copy of the child's birth certificate or the family register.
  • Please bring a deposit of 10 euros for the ID card with you when you collect it from our office. You will get the deposit back when the card is no longer needed.

Advice on BAföG questions
BAföG - You probably won't find more favourable conditions to finance your studies.

These days, studying is a full-time job. Bachelor's degree programmes with compulsory attendance take their toll - there is often little time for extra income. On the other hand, if you want to study quickly, you have to keep your head clear of financial worries.

How much does it cost to study each month?
  • Roughly calculated, you have to plan for living expenses (housing, food, mobility, communication, leisure time) and study expenses (books, scripts, student union fees) of about €800 per month. These expenses must be offset by corresponding income.

[F]How much of this can you receive from the state?
  • At present, you can receive a maximum of €934 per month from the state for your studies. The exciting thing about this is that, as a rule, you only have to pay back 50% of this amount in reasonable instalments once you have completed your funding. Of the total loan amount, you have to repay a maximum of 10,000 euros - conditions that no bank can offer you.
  • In Rhineland-Palatinate, the offices for educational funding at the universities are responsible for the university BAföG. So talk to your university directly about BAföG.

Be sure to contact your local BAföG office for further information. You can find your contact person for the universities in Landau, Germersheim, Ludwigshafen and Worms here:
Further information can be found here:
If you still have questions, just contact us. We'll be happy to take care of your request!
Tel.: ++49 6341-9179-180 /181
Advice on education loan
As part of the Federal Government's education loan programme, students in advanced stages of their education can receive targeted financial support - easily and at low interest rates - through the education loan. This loan is flexible and can be adapted to your individual needs.
Here are the most important facts about the KfW education loan
  • Loans are granted irrespective of university, subject and grades.
  • The monthly disbursement amount is either EUR 100, EUR 200 or EUR 300.
  • If you wish, you can apply for a one-time payment for training-related expenses.
  • Second and subsequent courses can also be funded.
  • The education loan is granted regardless of your own income and assets as well as those of your parents, spouse or partner.
  • You can combine the education loan with BAföG and with the KfW Student Loan.
  • Applications and more detailed information can be found on the Homepage of the Federal Office of Administration.

If you have any questions about the KfW Student Loan and Education Loan, please contact us. We will be happy to take care of your request.
Tel: ++49 6341-9179-180 /181
Student job market
An important part of financing your studies can also be finding the right part-time job that suits your studies. The Studierendenwerk has a student job agency that may also have something for you.

Click here to go to the student job exchange.

Head of social services
Manfred Kleinecke
Visiting time:
by Appointment
E-mail adress:
Contact telephone number:
+49 6341 9179 16
Xylanderstraße 17
76829 Landau

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